The Musing Sessions Life Drawing 1 : The Birth of Venus


The Musing Sessions Life Drawing 1 : The Birth of Venus


The Musing Sessions: a series of online experimental life drawing classes that aim to uncover concepts surrounding ‘the muse’. We focus on teaching figure drawing skills while we delve into mythological art history to actively liberate the portrayal of the divine feminine.

1: The Birth of Venus: In this first class we focus on the goddess Venus and facilitate a process of drawing her (literally) from limited poses to forms that liberate her power. We also look into the story of Simonetta Vespucci who is the deputed inspiration of the depiction of Venus in Sandro Botticelli’s painting: The Birth of Venus.

The class includes step by step figure drawing demonstrations, a series of semi costumed and nude poses by our life model Cat, and stories of how Venus has been portrayed through history.

We are currently researching the best platform to launch our classes. At this stage we will email you a PDF with embedded demo videos, drawing instructions, life drawing photos of our beautiful model Cat and information about how Venus has been portrayed in mythological art history.

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