I ❤️ West End

West End Brisbane is a vibrant community situated within inner city Brisbane. The Indigenous name for area is Kurilpa, home of the Kuril -otherwise known as the Kurilpa Water rat. House Conspiracy, (new arts space in West End) opened last wend and the 'Welcome to Country'  was beautiful - the elders spoke of the Kuril, Brisbane River & times then & now. As the smoke blew through the space I was inspired to consider the spirit of this area. 

In preparation for my artist residency at House Conspiracy in April- I am blogging about my West End experience: living and moving around our diverse & magical neighbourhood. 



Day 1:  9 Feb 2017

Today, along Boundary St West End I witnessed a man, a local man adorning a pink hat and sparkly jeans, stop & eloquently curtesy as the Armaguard security van sped around the corner. 

Momentarily I happened upon this sparkeling local again, he was in the bank offering money to another down on his luck. I smiled at him... & hoped he felt my appreciation of his cheer, street theatrics & heart.

As he was leaving, the Armaguard security entered the bank... & he bowed again, winked and told them their drab uniforms could do with some sparkles! 


I didn't get photos... I was too immersed in the casual beauty of this West End story. 

So when I saw Be Rad whistling along the city streets with his wheelurrow: I snapped the pic quick. Just another sparkling local...building our community.✨

I ❤️West End!

Artist Statement


With an arts practice based in drawing, weaving & printmaking these works explore the poetics of  interconnectivity. Inspired by light dancing across a watery surface, the act of weaving an industrial material reflects an artists search for self, shadowed by living in geopolitical times of the Anthropocene. This causes reflections on the relationship between humans and the natural world from the perspective of residing in a cityscape.