I ❤️ West End

West End Brisbane is a vibrant community situated within inner city Brisbane. The Indigenous name for area is Kurilpa, home of the Kuril -otherwise known as the Kurilpa Water rat. House Conspiracy, (new arts space in West End) opened last wend and the 'Welcome to Country'  was beautiful - the elders spoke of the Kuril, Brisbane River & times then & now. As the smoke blew through the space I was inspired to consider the spirit of this area. 

In preparation for my artist residency at House Conspiracy in April- I am blogging about my West End experience: living and moving around our diverse & magical neighbourhood. 



Day 1:  9 Feb 2017

Today, along Boundary St West End I witnessed a man, a local man adorning a pink hat and sparkly jeans, stop & eloquently curtesy as the Armaguard security van sped around the corner. 

Momentarily I happened upon this sparkeling local again, he was in the bank offering money to another down on his luck. I smiled at him... & hoped he felt my appreciation of his cheer, street theatrics & heart.

As he was leaving, the Armaguard security entered the bank... & he bowed again, winked and told them their drab uniforms could do with some sparkles! 


I didn't get photos... I was too immersed in the casual beauty of this West End story. 

So when I saw Be Rad whistling along the city streets with his wheelurrow: I snapped the pic quick. Just another sparkling local...building our community.✨

I ❤️West End!